Vancouver --- Seattle

Leaving Vancouver officially started the southern leg of my trip and the first stop, Seattle! My first morning in the city I spent enjoying Gas Works Park. The park, perfectly situated north of the city on Lake Union, offers a stunning view of the skyline and surrounding city.

pipeView cityPipes

The morning was spent watching the float planes land in the bay, listening to the coxsies rythmic call as the rowing teams glide by, and looking for reflections in the puddles from the rain the night before.


The next few days in Seattle I spent exploring the downtown area complete with a trip to the Amazon Spheres (officially the Seattle Spheres, say that 10 times fast), the seattle public market, and a walk along the pier in Elliot Bay.

amazonBubbles BANANAS

Big glass bubbles AND free bananas, what could be better?!

Well delicious pastries from Piroshky Piroshky, my next stop just outside the Seattle public market. I didnt have time to take photos of the smoked salmon pate and apple cinnamon roll because they were devoured almost immeditely... so sorry but know that they were delicious!!

After walking through the rest of the market I made my way towards the water for a view of the city from the south side. While sitting on one of the numerous peirs that extend out into the bay I made some new segul friends who kept me company until I headed back towards the van for the night.


The last night I was staying in Seattle I had my first run in with local law enforcement. I was cozy in the van parked in a planet fitness parking lot after a nice shower and a hearty meal. Suddenly, a bright flash of light and a loud knock on the window sent me into a panic. As I emerged from my humble little abode I saw the officer shining his light into the van through the tiny cracks in the window covers. He told me that there was no loitering allowed in this lot and that I would have to pack up and head out. Recovering from my heart attack, I packed up the van and headed towards West Seattle and found some street parking for the night.

The next morning I went for a walk along Alki Beach and watched people on their morning swims in the bay. Thinking that it couldnt be that cold otherwise people wouldnt be swimming I decided to dip my feet in. The water was freezing and I only lasted a few minutes before I left the water to the crazy swimmers. I made a quick stop at Seacrest Park to take photos of the skyline one last time before leaving the city.


I was getting ready to head out when a local guy with binoculars came up to me and told me that there had been an orca sighting in the bay earlier that morning. I grabbed a longer lens and started watching for the orcas. After about 10 minutes a small group of people had accumulated all with binoculars and looking for the orcas. We found the birds first, they were circling whatever the orcas had killed for breakfast on the otherside of the bay. Then as if on que one of the orcas breached, sending water up into the air in a perfect wave.


The whales continued to put on a show for everyone gathered on the beach the next few minutes before dissapearing further into the bay. With a much more interesting morning under my belt than I had expected I was ready to venture on and see what kind of surprises the Olympic Peninsula had in store for me!


I explore the varied landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula. Check back this weekend to hear about camping in the temperate rainforest and going up Hurricane Ridge to the mountain tops!
