North Dakota --- Montana

While I enjoyed the flat, almost endless landscapes of North Dakota I was extremely excited to get into the mountains! This excitement only faltered as I drove the I94 mountain pass into Billings during a snow storm... It was a stressful couple of miles but the van did great and I was finally in the mountains! I spent a few days checking out the coffee shops and the Planet Fitness in Billings which just so happened to be right next to a brand-new Chick Fila. They must be putting something in that chicken because I have never seen a busier fast food restaurant, so busy that there was police guiding traffic through 3 different parking lots. All of this is to say that getting to the Plant Fitness was a journey in Billings. I spent my last day in Billings on the Four Dances Trail which gave a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains and the Yellowstone River.


I waited until the sun had fully set and then headed toward Bozeman.


I only stayed in Bozeman for a day on my way to Missoula so I decided that I had to complete the College 'M' trail. The trail climbs 850ft from the parking lot to the M and let me tell you that is a lot of feet. I made it a point to take frequent breaks for photos and definitely not because I couldn't breath:)


After a wonderful night's sleep at a Cracker Barrel I was off to Missoula, the final stop for me in Montana. Missoula has been on my list of places to go for a while now because I have always wanted to visit my friend Em who lives there. I surprised Em with the news that I was in Missoula and was warmly welcomed with a wonderful parking spot next to the mountains and recommendations for things to do in Missoula!


A note about libraries

I never thought that I would spend so much time in public libraries again but this trip has given me a new appreciation for them. Quiet workspaces, Wifi, bathrooms, and power outlets; all things that I typically need and are available at public libraries! The library in Missoula had all of these features, comfy chairs, and wonderful views; so thank you Missoula and cities everywhere for having libraries:)

I spent the next few days hanging out with Em, meeting new people, playing pool, and getting a tour of the University of Montana campus. It was also brought to my attention that I was now in bear country which frankly was never something I had worried about before. I knew that my camera tripod would only go so far in fending off a bear attack so I made a quick stop to get some bear spray before venturing off into the mountains.


A note about bear spray

I had assumed a few things about bear spray;

1.That it was reusable (what happens if I miss the bear the first time around)
2.A single can is all you need
3.It wouldn't be horribly expensive

I was incorrect in all three assumptions. You get a single 7-second burst of bear repellent in each can so you have to wait until you can see the whites of the bear's eyes as it charges you. Apparently, 1 can just aggravates the bear in an attempt to make it leave you alone but you need 2 cans to be sure that you will walk away unscathed from a bear attack. And finally, it's horribly expensive. You pay $45 for that single 7-second burst of life-saving bear repellent so I will remind you again...


Now that I had my bear spray nothing could stop me and I was ready to hike some mountains! The following images are from my hike up the Fire Road to Mt. Sentinel.




It may only be a 2.5-mile hike to the top but the altitude gain of over 1000ft made it quite a journey to the top. There was a storm rolling in as I hiked and I could see the clouds forming over the bowl where Missoula is situated. The rain and snow held off long enough for me to make it back to the van but not much longer. After a couple of snowy days, the weather passed and I said my goodbyes in Missoula. Thank you to everyone I was able to see/meet in Missoula, I had a wonderful time visiting your home in the mountains!



The trip west continues with a brief stop in Seattle on my way to Vancouver, B.C.